Purple Sandpiper back at Snettisham - a Bairds in cambs and an all too elusive Wryneck at Holme
29 August. Purple Sandpiper Snettisham. The same bird but slightly more convincing photos !!! Posing and feeding for several hours either side of the high tide. The Bairds Sandpiper at Paxton Pits earlier in the day showed nicely - but was always too distant for even the token 'record shot, The Wrynmeck at Holme the following day was close, but sadlyonly offered frusratingly brief flight views so offered even less chance for the camera.
30 August Golden Plover on the Beach at Snettisham. The Purple Sandpiper failed to show for a repeat performance but this lone Golden Plover among Sanderling was an unusual sight. A Dark Phase arctic Skua that caused chaos among the Gulls loafing on the sea was an additional bonus
31 August Snettisham in the mist and the fog. No Purple Samndpiper but a wheatear along the way and a nice mix of waders, Common and Sandwich Terns fishing and a few passing Gannets offshire before the mist closed in completely
Long tail Tit Holme. Single Winchat Stonechat and Wheatear in the dunes the best of the migrants.
Living in Bedford I am fortunate enough to be able to spend a lot of time on the Norfolk Coast, based around Snettisham and Holme. Most of my photos are likely to come from Norfolk but Bedfordshire does throw up some surprises occasionally, including our best Garden bird, my first Firecrest, feeding on bushes 15 feet from the back window.
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