Wednesday, 27 February 2008

February 2008 half term in Norfolk

1 of 3 Crossbills coming to drink in the muddy pools of Dersingham Bog. Not the first time I have seen them do so, but always a tricky bird to catch up with. They spent most of their time at the tops of trees where they are not so easy to photograph. A female Hen Harrier that put in a brief appearance, singing Woodlarks, and numbers of posing stonechats made for a successful day's visit. Sadly no sign of any Golden Pheasants in spite of several visits during the week.

Part of a flock of several hundred Pink Footed Geese feeding in a roadside field. Still present on the coast but not in the same numbers as in previous weeks.

Dersingham Bog the following morning, with the rising sun burning off a blanket of fog and mist. No sign of the previous day's Crossbills anywhere on the reserve.

1 of at least 7 Lapland Buntings in the fields between Thornham Harbour and Holme NWT/NOA Present all winter, but usually picked up as calling birds in flight. Nice to see them showing well on the ground.

1 of 2 Chinese Water Deer seen from the Noa reserve, feeding on Holme marsh. A pleasant surprise after seeing numbers of the more expected Deer species around Sandringahm and Dersingham during the week ie. Roe Muntjac and Fallow

Bar Tailed Godwit Thornham Harbour

Teal Thornham Harnour

An extremely token 'Record shot' of the Rough Legged Buzzartd present at Burnham Norton - taken at distabce and into the sunlight !! It took 2 days to find it as in spite of the bright sunshine the Buzzard spent most of its time perching, rather than flying or soaring on the thermals that the sunny weather provided. When it did take to the air flights were low and brief, confirming all the Identification features, but not ideal views. The previous day's attempt had produced Barn owl and Peregrine sitting in the same clump of trees, as well as Hen Harrier,Marsh Harrier, Merlin, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel all hunting over the marsh. A nice tally of Raptors. Good views of the Rough Legged allowed tiome for another trip to the White Crowned Sparrow at Cley, now showing well in a paddock on the other side of the road from the Driveway.Rather easier to see and much less crowded and Hectic - and still rising a large sum for the local church.The downside was trying to take pictures of a rather mobile bird, going into the Sun.

White Crowned Sparrow Cley

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